
pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well.

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New in 3.1.1

  • Fix #413: bug: pyenv install failing because the system cannot find the file specified ‘dark.exe’
  • Adding: python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 in classifiers

New in 3.1

  • Fix #142: Prefer the local installer over the web based installer
  • Fix #401, #396, #383 and #360: Added the same level of support for local based installer as we have for web based installers in #410
    • Note: It is best to uninstall affected versions (3.9.11 and above) via Windows’ Add or remove Programs systems settings page before running the pyenv uninstall command for those versions.

New in 3.0

  • Fix #311: Support many global and shell versions.
  • Fix #318: pyenv global and pyenv local no longer affect PYENV_VERSION, which only pyenv shell should affect.
  • The test suite emulates a 32 bit architecture environment.
  • The test suite now also runs tests using powershell and pwsh in addition to cmd.
  • pyenv shell now works like pyenv global and pyenv local in that, on 32-bit platforms, it adds -win32 to every supplied version if not explicitly added.

New in 2.64.11

  • Fix #287: Prevent infinite recursion by removing the shims directory from the path.
  • Fix #259: Correctly handle spaces in pyenv path.
  • Fix #305: Fix exec preferring the last version listed in .python-version instead of the first.
    • Note: pyenv rehash must be called after upgrading. Expect the following error message if you don’t:

      'Scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
      operable program or batch file.

New in 2.64.10

  • Check PATH in pyenv version to report other Python versions.

New in 2.64.9

  • Feature #210: Support extended installer options
  • Fix #269: Migration from travis-ci to GitHub Actions
  • Fix exec shims for bat files.
  • Fix #193: PowerShell support for pyenv shell

New in 2.64.8

  • Fix #198: PEP 514 support (64 bits only, excluding pypy).

New in

  • Fix #256: Fix pyenv --version for username with space.

New in

  • Fix #254: Fix exec with many local versions.

New in

  • Fix #250: PATH is not impacted after a pyenv exec.

New in

  • Fix #246: pyenv which and pyenv whence show help if no argument specified.
  • Fix exec problems after merge of #140.
  • Fix #247: no more incorrect file name in bash script if username contains a space.
  • Fix #243: hot fix for pyenv exec.

New in

  • Use GitHub Actions to publish to PyPi.

New in 2.64.5

  • Fix #239: Improve rehash error when no version installed.
  • Add pypy support.
  • Fix #140: Get rid of temp exec.bat to support multiple exec in parallel.

New in 2.64.4

  • More python versions supported.
  • Fix #217: Add missing call to exec.bat.
  • Enhancement #225: Add tox support.
  • Fix #204: Support many local versions.
  • Enhancement #220: Rehash all installed versions with more shims.
  • Enhancement #221: Add pyenv global --unset.

New in 2.64.3

  • Version naming conventions have now changed from using 64-bit suffixes when specifying a version to (un)install. Now all you need to use is the version number to install your platform’s specific bit version.
    • *WARNING*: This change is backwards incompatible with v1.2.5 or less; if upgrading from that version, install 32bit-train which is backward compatible, or uninstall all versions of python prior to upgrading pyenv.
    • Ex. pyenv install 2.7.17 will install as 64-bit on x64 and 32-bit on x86. (64-bit can still use 2.7.17-win32 to install the 32-bit version)
    • pyenv global/local/shell also now recognize your platform and select the appropriate bit version. (64-bit users will need to specify [version]-win32 to use the 32-bit versions now)
  • Added support for true unobtrusive, local installs.
    • *WARNING*: This change is backwards incompatible with v1.2.5 or less; if upgrading from that version, install 32bit-train which is backward compatible, or uninstall all versions of python prior to upgrading pyenv.
    • No install/uninstall records are written to the registry or Start Menu anymore (no “Programs and Features” records).
    • When installing a patch version of python (ex. 3.6.1) installing another patch version (ex. 3.6.2) won’t reuse the same folder and overwrite the previously installed minor version. They’re now kept separate.
    • Uninstalls are now a simple folder deletion. (Can be done manually by the user safely now or pyenv uninstall)
  • Added support for (un)installing multiple versions of python in a single command or all DB versions via the -a/--all switch.
    • When using --all on x64 computers you can use --32only or --64only to install only 32-bit or only 64-bit version s of python. (Does nothing on 32-bit computers, and better filters may be in the works later on)
  • pyenv global/rehash is called automatically after (un)installing a new Python version. (last version specified, if installing multiple)
  • Pyenv now uses a cached DB of versions scraped straight from the Python mirror site and can be updated manually by a user using pyenv update. Users no longer have to wait for pyenv’s source repo to be updated to use a new version of Python when it releases, and can also use the new alpha/beta python releases.
  • pyenv install now has a -c/--clear to empty cached installers in the %PYENV%\install_cache folder.
  • pyenv rehash now acknowledges %PATHEXT% (plus PY and PYW) when creating shims instead of just for exe, bat, cmd and py files so more executables are available from \Scripts and libraries installed using pip.
  • Shims created using pyenv rehash no longer call pyenv exec, but instead call python directly to prevent issues with other programs executing the shims.
  • Shims now use cp1250 as the default code page since Python2 will never actually support cp65001. cp1250 has better support for upper ANSI characters (ex. “Pokémon”), but still isn’t full UTF-8 compatible.
  • Note: Support for Python versions below 2.4 have been dropped since their installers don’t install “cleanly” like versions from 2.4 onward and they’re predominantly out of use/support in most environments now.